This Shiny application was created by Diego Ellis Soto (UC Berkeley).
It queries iNaturalist for observations that have been annotated as 'Dead' wildlife (term_id=17, term_value_id=19).
The data is fetched via the iNaturalist API and summarized here for scientific or conservation purposes.
Citizen science platforms like iNaturalist allow everyday people to collect and share data about local biodiversity.
Recording observations of dead wildlife can help track mortality events, disease spread, and other factors affecting animal populations.
We encourage everyone to contribute their sightings responsibly, ensuring that any data on roadkill or other mortalities can help conservation efforts and
raise public awareness.
This application lets you retrieve data about dead wildlife observations from iNaturalist.
You can choose to manually provide a numeric place_id or define a custom bounding box by clicking twice on the map.
You can also decide whether to query by taxon class (e.g. Aves) or by exact species name (e.g. Puma concolor).
After selecting your inputs, press 'Run Query.' Two separate CSV downloads are provided: (1) for all data retrieved, and (2) for only the top-90% mortality days (for hotspot analysis).